Category Archives: Firmware

USA: 360 000 Tesla benötigen dringend Software-Update

Locate the .bin file with the newest firmware update. Use your computer’s eject function to safely eject the MicroSD card. The printer will install the firmware itself and reboot. Creality Firmware is a popular option for Ender 3 printers since it is already pre-compiled for Creality 3D printers. However, once you’ve done it once, you […]

Braucht meine Festplatte ein Firmware-Update? Seagate Support Deutschland

To correct a specific translation please click it and select “Edit” from the menu. Then change the translation directly using the form fields and submit. The change request will then be verified by other contributors. You don’t need a user account for most types of contributions, but using an account will give you more voting […]

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